What people are saying
“Before coming to The Treasure House of Hope my life was filled with alcohol, violence and prison. This life led to my children being adopted away from me, and brought distance between my family and I. Treasure House has taught me how to build healthy relationships, believe in myself and deal with life without self-medicating. The help I have received here has brought me contact with my children again, but most of all a solid foundation in Christ.”
— Tina McDonald
“Coming to the Treasure House of Hope has saved me from a self-destructive, drug addicted, homosexual background. I had to face reality that I didn’t know who I was until I found my identity in Christ. I’m an overcomer and know how to look at my future positively. I thank God for restoring my life and believing in me when I had no hope.”
— Shelly Hough
“I graduated the Treasure House Christian Discipleship Training Program and God has changed me in ways that I would never have imagined. I highly recommend this program to anyone who is looking for a true change in their lives!”
— Steve Bryne
“Jesus Christ loves us so much, He showed me that the day I came to THH. I was lost and in a very dark place, thought home and family meant abuse and pain. Covered my hurts and fear in a sea of anger and addiction, thought I was okay, thought I was owed something because of my past, but Jesus showed me His healing love in THH. In THH I overcame addiction, but my biggest VICTORY was me letting my past go and learning the true power of forgiveness and love. I learned how to love God, others and myself, I learned how to live in peace, free of anger and fear. I thank God, Angelia Anderson, and THH for showing me how. If your lost and in the dark, there is light and hope at Treasure House.”
— April Bryant
“My past struggles stemmed from a long life of self-pity and not knowing how to love myself or how to be loved. Getting high was my main focus, and having made that the most important thing in my life I nearly pushed all my family away because of it. Treasure House of Hope has taught me that humility is something that doesn’t come easy, but the fight to be humble can lead to happiness and joy. I have also found a new understanding of my life having purpose through finding a relationship with Jesus Christ. Most importantly, THH has shown me that I am never alone and the trials that I have gone through strengthen me. The knowledge of God and his word has been the biggest part of this whole process that has affected me in this journey.”
— Jonathan Sario