Changing Lives and Restoring Families

Save the date!

April 4, 2025

Snooze, A.M. Eatery
Lone Tree, CO

Join us for a raffle and auction extravaganza benefitting Treasure House of Hope. Raffle prizes include designer purses & billfolds, fine bourbons, cigars and gift cards from local favorites. Get your event & raffle tickets today!

Our Mission

To pull treasures out of darkness through love, compassion and hope. We train individuals to live a disciplined lifestyle based on Biblical principals.

We believe community outreach is essential to reaching those most in need of our support.

“I will give you treasures of darkness and hidden wealth of secret places, so that you may know that it is I, the Lord, the God of Israel, who calls you by your name.”

Isaiah 45:3

Make a donation.

Your generosity allows us to pull treasures out of darkness by changing lives and restoring families.


About Us

Treasure House of Hope (THH) is a one-year Christ-centered discipleship program offered to individuals who are lost, hurt, addicted, hopeless and desperate to change.

Our Partners

Treasure House of Hope works with companies, the criminal justice system, nonprofits and other organizations to address the challenges in our community.